David Choi - This and That is Life

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Tuesday 28 August 2012

Sunrise at Mount Tai

Great view of Jade Emperor Peak

I even could see the view of Taian City at the top of Mount Tai

Fortunately, the weather was good that day. Here was the sunrise!

This is the moment should be remembered! BTW, it was so coldddddd!

Very admirable worker, all the are delivered manually to Mount Tai

Mount Tai is located in western Shandong, just north of the city of Tai'an and to the south of the provincial capital Jinan.Mount Tai is one of the "Five Great Mountains". It is associated with sunrise, birth, and renewal, and is often regarded the foremost of the five.

It is not easy to watch the sunrise on Mount Tai. If you are lucky enough you might get to see it. I started at 12:00 am midnight. At the beginning, it was very scary when you walk in the dark alone as you are ascending up the mountain. However, you will see more people as you go up. We all have one purpose--the sunrise. 

Some hints for watching the sunrise on Mount Tai

  • It is cheap to purchase a flashlight and crutch at the foot of the mountain.
  • The temperature is very cold at the top of the mount but you can rent a coat only costs 10 yuan.
  • Check the seasonal sunrise timetable before you start climbing. 
  • Generally, it takes you 3~4 hour to climb to the top.
  • The higher you climb, the more expensive to buy things. 
  • For people who don't what to climb, you can take a telpher to Zhong Tian Gate and continue to climb from there.
  • The telpher only operates in day time. 

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